A Hidden Gem–Panoramic View of San Francisco–Free

San Francisco, having been built on hills, has an abundance of views. Some you pay for, such as the top of Coit Tower or the bar at the top of the Mark Hopkins Hotel. (The bar is named “Top of the Mark.” What it lacks in imagination makes up for in clarity. The bar itself is as underwhelming as the view is spectacular. But I digress….)
One of the best free views is a hidden gem that most San Franciscan’s don’t know about. And even though it is located behind a building on the UCSF Medical School Campus, most students and faculty don’t know about it either.
And since very few people know about this panoramic view from the Pacific to downtown, with the Golden Gate Bridge in the middle distance.
There are benches which you will probably have to yourself. The campus student union is close by, so you could get a snack to enjoy while you take in the view.
Visit here, and you will have experienced a view 99.5% of visitors never see, and almost equal number of residents don’t know about either.
Another free view is the DeYoung Museum Tower in Golden Gate Park.

Sign at 400 Parnassus View of Pacific from 400 Parnassus View of downtown San Francisco from 400 Parnassus View west, with benches and tables, from behind 400 Parnassus Benches to relax while looking at the view of behind 400 Parnassus

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