Travel Hack: what to do if you buy more stuff than will fit in your luggage

A few years ago I was in Paris and went to a flea market. Not the big Les Puces de Saint Ouen, which is always worth hunting for things you never knew you needed. This was a weekend flea market, set up nearby.
I found an object I had never seen before or since. It was a 1930’s countertop lamp with 4 sides, meant to sit on the concession stand or a shelf in a movie theater lobby. It stood about 10 inches high, and glass slides were placed on each side to promote a movie, illuminated by a bulb. The slides could be removed for each new feature.
Not only was it strange and unique, it was a good price. I would have bought it except for one problem: how to get it home.
My luggage was stuffed to the point it created its own gravity. It wouldn’t accommodate a tissue, let alone a countertop lamp.
I couldn’t ship it because it was a Sunday, every shipping option was closed, and my flight left early in the morning. I had to let it go. The loss still pains me, as I think of it as the one that got away.
So what to do if you should you buy more than you intended, or something larger than will fit in your baggage, and the shipping options are unavailable or too expensive?

Buy a cheap suitcase in Chinatown.

Cheap luggage on a Chinatown sidewalk.

The luggage you see displayed on the sidewalks in Chinatown are correctly displayed. They are functional trash. They are cheaply made with poor quality materials and the prices reflect this. But they will last one flight. Maybe even two, but you’ll only need one.
Even if you have to pay for an extra bag, it might be close to what you would pay for shipping, and possible cheaper. If you buy a carry-on size, you can get it checked for free when the airline invariably asks passengers if anyone wants to check their carry bag at the gate.

Cheap Chinatown luggage.

Don’t pass up buying that amazing thing because you lack luggage space. Chinatown has all you need. Including cold drinks and fireworks.

Cold drinks and fireworks sign in Chinatown

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